Alternatives of many kinds: Airwheel e-bikes

Abstract: For ordinary players of self-balancing electric scooters, they tend to be at a loss, when they are faced up with a series of electric self-balancing scooters. In Airwheel, there are six different kinds of self-balancing electric scooters, ranging from single-wheeled electric scooter, twin-wheeled electric scooter to two wheel self-balancing electric scooters. Airwheel electric scooters provide purchasers alternatives of many kinds.

Riders tend to be at a loss, when they are faced up with a series of electric self-balancing scooters from single-wheeled electric scooter, twin-wheeled electric scooter to two wheel self-balancing electric scooters. X-series single-wheeled electric scooter especially is favoured by those who are fond of extreme sports. For beginners, there is only one drawback for electric unicycle—hard to learn it. Followed by X series, Airwheel rolled out Q-series differing from X-series in the wheel structure.

Electric Skateboard for Teenagers

X-series and Q-series are taken as commuting tool and an innovative way to do exercise and entertainment. The emergence of Airwheel S series has widened the application scenarios, such as exhibition, golf course, large gymnasiums, and recreations and so on. The sleek design and contoured bodywork offer a stylish air.

Electric skateboard decks

To alter the single standing up e-bikes, Airwheel has launched the Airwheel A series, electric scooter with seat, in a bid to make the riding effortless. It is the first time for Airwheel to equip its products with mobile App to command the real-time data. Later the Airwheel M series, wireless remote control skateboard caused a sensation among the skateboard lovers, as it is more than a skateboard, but also a novel transportation as well as a platform to show off your creation and individuality. For Airwheel Z series—folding electric scooters, they are well received among the office workers thanks to the triple folding system and modular battery with USB port.

To conclude, Airwheel electric scooters provide purchasers alternatives of many kinds.