Coronavirus: What to do if you’re in a wheelchair

For people with disabilities, and especially wheelchair users, the coronavirus poses unique challenges because wheelchairs are touched frequently and in many places. We’ve compiled the following coronavirus tips for wheelchair users to keep in mind when taking care of their mobility equipment and the environment around them.

These recommendations follow the guidelines from the CDC, but you should also follow any rules put in place by federal, state and local government to help keep you safe.

In addition to taking care of your equipment, be sure to also take care of you! Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds, especially before and after cleaning equipment, as well as anytime you arrive back at your home after being outside.

And if you’re getting a little stir crazy, check out some tips from Life Possible with Karen Roy to also take care of your mental health during this time.

What to Clean With

Because the coronavirus can live for up to 72 hours on hard surfaces, it’s important to conduct regular cleaning. To protect against the coronavirus, surfaces need to be both cleaned and disinfected. Beyond any type of cleaning you may already do to your chair you should also disinfect areas that are frequently touched.

Cleaning Components of your Chair

There are many, many components on a chair that are touched frequently – by users and caregivers. Here’s some to keep in mind that should be disinfected anytime a new person comes in contact with your chair, or you leave and return to your home.

Cleaning Other Assistive Equipment

Beyond your wheelchair, other frequently touched equipment and medical supplies should also be disinfected. These include:

Staying Safe When Going Out

If you are leaving the house, here are some extra precautions to consider.

If you have a Home Caretaker

For those that rely on a caretaker, they should follow the same precautions and can help if you are unable to clean and disinfect surfaces yourself.

For more information about what Numotion is doing to keep employees and customers safe amid coronavirus concerns, check out our latest update.

About the Authors

Madonna Long is a wheelchair user is a Consumer Advocate for people who have Disabilities and has a bachelor’s degree in Homeland Security.

Karen Roy, LCSW is a wheelchair user and the Numotion Brand Ambassador who is an active consumer advocate for people with disabilities.