Pack Light, Efficiently, Smart: Packing Tips for the Frequent Business Traveler

With checked-baggage costs and allowable carry-on sizes varying between airlines, we can’t write enough on how to pack
efficiently — and it seems other travel experts and enthusiasts can’t, either. We recently read a little perspective on precision packing for frequent business travelers from Myscha Theriault, a senior writer for WiseBread, a blog designed for those “living large on a small budget,” and now we’re sharing her tips with you.
Crew 8 Suiter
Make sure everything’s flat
For items you can’t roll, choose ones that will pack flat in your suitcase. Shoes are always your biggest concern here: Theriault suggests athletic sandals over sneakers because they provide the same support but take up far less space. She also loves bobby pins packaged in a flat tin for versatile hairstyling options.
Keep electronics low profile
Sometimes you really do need to bring out the big guns for a business trip — if you’ll be doing a lot of writing or will be away for longer than usual, you may need your laptop and other full-size technology products. But whenever you can, keep your tech packing down to a tablet device, thumb drive, and smartphone.
Scrimp on pants and skirts
If you’re going to have to sacrifice articles of clothing to make the rest of what you’re packing fit into your suitcase, definitely opt for more shirts. There’s a good chance you’ll get significant mileage out of jeans for your off days and a pair of nice black slacks for the days when you’re seeing clients, attending trade shows or whatever you’ve traveled to do — but you’ll want to have a clean shirt for every day, whether it’s dress button-downs or thin layering sweaters. But that doesn’t mean you have to pack a different shirt for every single day you’re traveling. Which leads us to the next point…
Pack less and do laundry
We’ve definitely touched on this before, but it bears repeating: don’t be afraid to use your sink and shower to extend the life of the clothes you’ve packed, especially if you’re going to be in a situation where you aren’t seeing a lot of the same people on multiple days. Just be sure to bring enough clothes that the ones you’ve just washed can dry completely before you need to wear them again.
Remember, Austin House actually offers a laundry kit complete with Woolite packets, a sink stopper and a clothesline.
Don’t forget your telescope
Never underestimate the power of retractable and telescoping travel items. They really are miracle space savers. Theriault suggested a corded mini mouse and retractable makeup brushes for ladies, and there are scores of other products available out there. If you’re a frequent business traveler, every single square inch counts in the matter of carrying on versus checking bags — investing in these little gems may be well worth it for you.
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