Sleep One More Hour via Riding Q3 Mini Twin-wheel Scooter for The Work

Abstract: Sleeping more is another appeal from most young office workers. They have to get up one hour earlier for it can take a lot time on the way to the work due to the congestion. The novel electric scooter Airwheel Q3 comes to save it, allowing them to sleep one more hour.

The proper sleep can help improve your memory and performance, sharpen attention span, improve your overall mood, lower stress and blood pressure whilst improve your stamina during daily tasks and exercise. Whereas lacking of sleep can cause havoc on your body, mind and life.

Airwheel Q3

How could Q3 make it? It's just a scooter with 14-inch twin-wheel. It lies in that it is an unimpeded personal transporter bringing riders to get over the bottleneck or the congestion. So it can help riders save a lot time on the way to the work. Then the saved time can make up for the sleep time.

This Q3 twin-wheel scooter is powered by battery, with good performance. With the help of sufficient driven force, Q3 can speed up to 18 kilometers per hour. That speed is considerable to render riders to catch the deadline. Because of its dimension 518mm x408mm x200mm, it occupies small space on the road. It's easy for Q3 to get through a narrow pavement.

Airwheel Q3

It holds an absolute advantage in the traffic jams owing to its petite figure. If the skill to rein the electric scooter is not good enough on the narrow road, riders can choose to carry it for a handle is fitted on the top of Q3's main body. That is to say the rider carries with Airwheel Q3 to escape the traffic jam by foot. Of course, it's a feasible way in the practice.

No one will refuse to sleep one more hour which is good for the health. Just riding Q3 for the work can realize it.

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