The slogan of Airwheel electric hoverboard: travel smart and travel green

Abstract: As we know, the COP 21 is coming to close. One solution to the climate change is to alter the traditional vehicles that are motorized by oil to the novel transports that is electricity-powered.

Since the Airwheel self-balancing electric scooters have entered into a growing number of persons' daily life, the philosophy of Airwheel travel smart and travel green has been accepted by a wider of consumers.

Negotiators at the Paris climate summit have worked through the night on a draft agreement to curb global warming in the COP 21. One solution to the climate change is to alter the traditional vehicles that are motorized by oil to the novel transports that is electricity-powered.


The travel smart and travel green will be discussed respectively. From the aspect of travel smart, the Airwheel intelligent electric hoverboard can be connected to mobile phone, to realize travel with Intelligence. Riders can look over information of its conditions at any times, and locate it all the time. Intelligent control system of Airwheel not only makes judgment of kinds of emergencies, but also it can monitor the security systems in real time and give alarm reminding in time.


As for the travel green, it is self-evident that riding Airwheel electric hoverboard is environment friendly, also user friendly. On the one hand, the Sony or Panasonic lithium battery is mounted on the Airwheel self-balancing electric scooter with the range from 18 km to 45 km, based on various factors, such as the road conditions and riders' weights and so on.

Airwheel A3

Of course, different models have various ranges, as different types of self-balancing electric scooters have been equipped with diverse battery capacities. For user friendly, it means that the Airwheel electric self-balancing scooters can be mastered within hours. If there is one scooter masters at your side, the learning speed will be greatly enhanced. The philosophy of Airwheel “travel smart and travel green” lives up to its reputation.

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