About Airwheel Mars Rover’s Market Analysis & Market Investigation

Abstract: Now, Airwheel mars rover takes a lead in the personal mobility field, with its products selling to more than 100 countries, like United States, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Singapore, Australia and South Korea and so on. Its achievement relies much on its market investigation.

At present, Airwheel mini electric scooters can be easily found in many retail chains all over the world and Airwheel is building a few large logistics centre, in order to enhance the company's market responsiveness and market oriented to derivative. Among the several main markets, the most prosperous market is supposed to be the European market, as there is density of population and healthy economy. Only a robust economy can there is a promising prospect for Airwheel electric scooter. Also, Airwheel has done well enough to make them satisfied whether from the performance or function.

2-wheeled electric scooter

The market investigation is indispensable to sales promotion. Conducting market investigation, forecasting and communicating with customers to understand and confirm the customers 'demand and expectation. Promotion and publicity is necessary if Airwheel strives for the success in this market. Airwheel mars rover meets market demands by launching new products without a brake. Before launching new products, it is a must to have market investigation.

Smart Electric Bike

During the market investigation and research, Airwheel has realized that difficult to learn the self-balancing scooter is an important reason to hinder it from being popularized. Taking Airwheel S8 saddle-equipped scooter as an example, riding S8 in sitting posture, people are more likely to feel safe with a low centre of gravity. It is easier to make their body relaxed and easier to learn. When they sit to ride it well, they can try to stand to ride.

self-balancing scooter

Through market investigation, there are many other findings, for example, more than 80% of the people use electric scooter to travel within the radius about 10 km. what about the 20%? Airwheel introduces the swappable battery design to Z series folding electric scooter, E series and R series to meet the needs of as many riders as possible. Also, it has been found that many people hole 1+ vehicles, a bike and an electrombile, occupying much space. Learning this, Airwheel designed the R series of electric moped bikes with the three ride modes and foldable frame to solve their headaches.

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